Magic SpellsThere are a large number of Magic operations in Fantasy Empire. These are carried out by your Wizards and Archmages, which are common between all races. Wizards are trained like any other military unit, while Archmages are trained from existing wizards (not draftees). Archmages cannot be assassinated, and count as two wizards, instead of one.There are three types of spells you can cast. There are SELF spells you cast on yourself, giving you some bonuses. The INFO spells will give you some information of the target province. OFFENSIVE spells is spells that directly harm other provinces. In addition to the common spells, each race has its unique spell. All spells costs mana to cast. The mana cost is based on your province land-size. The numbers in the "Mana cost" entry is the number you should multiple your land-size with to find the mana cost. To cast spells also takes some strength from your Wizards and Archmages. This strength rises at a rate of 4% per hour, but can never rise above 100%. Every time you cast an INFO spell your magic strength will decrease with 3%, and every time you cast a SELF or OFFENSIVE spell it will decrease with 5%. When it reaches below 30%, you cannot cast more spells. In addition, when your magic strength decrease you will fail more offensive and info spells, and other will easier hit you with such spells, as described below... The formula deciding if you will succeed with an offensive or info spell is: [Your_Magic_Strength] * ( [Your_Wizards] + [Your_ArchMages] * 2 ) / [Your_Land] ) * (0.75 + rnd() * 0.5 ) > [Spell_Difficulty] * [Target_Magic_Strength] * ( [Target_Wizards] + [Target_ArchMages] * 2 ) / [Target_Land] ) Self spells will always last for 12 hours and you don't need any wizards or ArchMages for them to be successful. It is impossible to fail a SELF spell, even without wizards, however if your magic strength is below 30%, you can't cast any magic, including SELF spells.